Saturday, April 4, 2009


Hey All. It is so rare these days that I actually get to sit down and just blog. TLC is growing so fast. He's crusin all around the house now. I am sure in a month or so he'll be walking on his own. YIKES! And let me tell you, he ain't one of those slow babies. No-sir-ee not my baby. He is wicked fast. I spend most of my time chasin him around in circles. And do you think he's an inside baby? Of course not. Unless there are force 5 winds out side with rain, sleet, snow, etc. we are outside. ( I have no idea where he gets that from) by the time he's in bed all I want to do is just sit on the couch with a Dixie cup of wine and watch Jeopardy. He's been totally snotty lately. I think it's a combo of a cold or allergies and teething. (he's constantly teething). I have to change my shirts like 100 times a day cuz they are totally gross with boogers. It's a good thing I've got a strong stomach. He slept great last night though. 6:30pm till 6:00am. I totally thought I died and went to nap heaven. I can't believe that in 3 months he'll be one whole year old. I enjoy every stage of his growth but I can't wait till I can just feed him a peanut butter and jelly sandwich instead of breast milk and baby food. Yuck!

O.K So I am sure you have heard if you follow Vaquero girl but our annual BATTLE OF THE BARNS is coming up. I have a couple questions for all of you and hope you can help.
First off Battle of the Barns is an event we do to raise money for a therapeutic riding academy. They specialize in children with handicaps. Last year was out biggest year. I think we raised close to 3000 dollars for them. (this coming from a club with like 10 members that actually show up to meetings.) To do that again this year will be hard.
1. We are looking for donations. Either monetary or something for our raffle. The money go's straight to the group. Xenophon. (It's tax deductible they have an tax id number and everything ) So I know times are tough but if you can help we would be ever grateful.
2. How do you get something patented . I totally think this event should be turned into a reality show. (I think it would be better then JOCKEYS)I have no idea how to go about doing this. Any ideas?


Train Wreck said...

Oh poor Lil Mama! You need a long hot bath, with a glass of wine, then a relaxing massage. HEY I want one too! He he. Ok When do you need this "stuff?" I will send you some prints? Will you have an auction of some sort? Let me know I will help you out. I will go see your mom and catch up there. Email me.

Lil Mama said...

Yeah Train Wreck!!!! Yes we have a big raffle. The Battle Of the Barns isn't until the last Saturday in July. I think it's the 25th this year. I will totally do a blog about it.

The FamDamily

The FamDamily

My hunter

My hunter
Monster mule deer 2011

The Men On the Mountain

The Men On the Mountain

1st time at the beach

1st time at the beach

Harvest festival 2011

Harvest festival 2011

TLC and The Hunter

TLC and The Hunter
my boyz

TLC In Columbia CA

TLC In Columbia CA