Friday, April 9, 2010

Boring part two.

So Vaquero Girl wants to know what I did think was going to happen to my life when I was in High school. Honestly I don't even remember any more. I think it was something along the lines of getting a great job that paid lots of money and find a handsome Trainer of a husband that would support my horse riding habits. We would live on 100 acres of prime horse real estate and travel all over America showing horses.

As it turns out that is not what happened. I did however find a Hubby that accepts and moderately supports what I do as a "hobby" (I use the word lightly). We live on 17 acres of somewhat prime real estate in sunny CA. I do not get to travel much at the moment, but, we did go cross country on our honeymoon. Hunters friends called it out scouting trip. It was pretty awesome to go to Yellowstone park with someone like the Hunter. He is really, really, really good at spotting animals. At one point we had seen a bunch of bison, some elk and some deer. So I said I wanted to see a bear. Hunter pulls over whips out the spotting scope and in about three minutes found me a grizzly bear.


The Wife said...

I have days like this too, can't think of anything to say. Feels like there's nothing going on worth blogging about. I feel pretty boring myself. But you are an interesting person.

Isn't it funny how we thought in high school. I NEVER thought I would marry a cocky bullrider.

Robynn's Ravings said...

Now that's news you can use: a guy who can find you a grizzly bear in three minutes. I mean, if there's one around, I'd really rather know where just to avoid being Thanksgiving dinner.

So here's a question: What attracted you to the Hunter other than his dashing good looks? Please list his fine points. Then, make me laugh and list the things that make you want to kill him with a dull knife you so I can laugh. You ALWAYS make me laugh!

Vaquerogirl said...

LOL Robyn!! I'd like to have that info too.
Funny Lil Mama- your dreams and my dreams in high school weren't that too much different! And I hate to say it, but we both kinda turned out the same way.

Robynn's Ravings said...

WHAT THE HECK is Blogger doing? Comments aren't enabled on your latest post and you KNOW I got somethin' to SAY!

The FamDamily

The FamDamily

My hunter

My hunter
Monster mule deer 2011

The Men On the Mountain

The Men On the Mountain

1st time at the beach

1st time at the beach

Harvest festival 2011

Harvest festival 2011

TLC and The Hunter

TLC and The Hunter
my boyz

TLC In Columbia CA

TLC In Columbia CA