So the Hunter told me that my normal Christmas cards ( you know, the ones you buy at the feed store) suck and he wants a picture card this year. So TLC, The Hunter and I haul our butts up the hill. ( I remember why I have horses) Once on the top of the hill the dogs begin running somewhat amuck. We set up the tripod and the camera. I look at the LCD screen... great my batteries are dying. I get the dogs to sit for a minute. This is what we got. I think their kinda nice. Of course I also think I should have put on earrings, let my hair out of the ponytail and maybe taken a closer look at the shirt I was wearing. (Why do I look so frigging frumpy all the time.) Sigh... maybe they will turn out better next year.
I would also like to add I hate having a photogenic hubby. He could wake up in the middle of the night after a drinking binge and still look great. Yeah, he's also a morning person. Ick. I myself am a mid morning person. When I say mid I mean like 7:30 or 8 The Hunter wakes up at 5 or 6 even on his days off.
I know I dont count, but I think you are pretty darn Beautiful! That BOY is lucky to have you!
I agree with your momma! I mentioned our christmas cards to the husband this weekend. He said he guessed he'd do whatever I told him to. I've trained him so well! I am going to try the tripod thing and see how it goes. Not holding my breath! BTW, I like the top one!
Absolutley!! Don't make me come over and kick you fanny! You look great! He is lucky to have you. Hey why don't you come to vegas, we can go shopping for some flashy clothes together! After all you are my lucky WINNER! SO maybe you would be lucky in vegas? Congrats come on over and take s look pretty girl.
Yes indeed you are beautiful, and to enhance it, I think you need to come to the spa. You know the one, with the open beam ceilings and nice horse accomodations. O.K., I just wanna see the baby before he goes to college!
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