So the Hunter told me that my normal Christmas cards ( you know, the ones you buy at the feed store) suck and he wants a picture card this year. So TLC, The Hunter and I haul our butts up the hill. ( I remember why I have horses) Once on the top of the hill the dogs begin running somewhat amuck. We set up the tripod and the camera. I look at the LCD screen... great my batteries are dying. I get the dogs to sit for a minute. This is what we got. I think their kinda nice. Of course I also think I should have put on earrings, let my hair out of the ponytail and maybe taken a closer look at the shirt I was wearing. (Why do I look so frigging frumpy all the time.) Sigh... maybe they will turn out better next year.
I would also like to add I hate having a photogenic hubby. He could wake up in the middle of the night after a drinking binge and still look great. Yeah, he's also a morning person. Ick. I myself am a mid morning person. When I say mid I mean like 7:30 or 8 The Hunter wakes up at 5 or 6 even on his days off.