So for those of you who don't know, I have two adorable little Heelers. (Patsy Cline and Loretta Lynn pictured at the bottom of my blog home page). Any one who has heelers knows they tend to bark a little. Mine do but not to the point I think is totally obnoxious. The Hunter will tend to disagree a little with that. I think he would be happy with a mute dog. A while back we put up an 8 foot privacy fence because we live so close to a VERY busy road. Unbelievably this made the dogs bark more because they can't see whats on the other side. So they bark when the neighbors pick up the mail or at the mailman, ups man, weirdos walking down the street, etc. Well yesterday I was downstairs doing laundry when I hear barking, no biggie I think. Then I hear yelling so I run like mad up stairs and out side to find the neighbor. So I very pleasantly say Hi Kathleen what's up don't worry the dogs are all bark. She (obviously drunk at 3 in the afternoon) says (and very rudely I might add) "I just can't take your dogs barking all day. You need to beat the shit out of them.
Well this just throws me for a loop I tell ya. Before I met the Hunter she got all pissy with him and threatened to sue and what not, She even went so far as to slash tires, break windshield and (we never proved it but) poison his dog so he ended up having his dog de-barked. Well we had liked her husband who died about 5 years ago, after which The Hunter has helped her out immensely. So now all of a sudden she starts freakin out about the dogs again! Mind you this women lives in a house at least 200 yards away with double pained windows. The only time she hears my dogs at all is when she has to get her mail or stop to open her gate.
Well I very calmly talk to her and tell her I'll try and keep them quite. I turn around to go back in the house and see a big rock out of place. TLC I say. Did you put that rock there? No says he. That lady threw it at the dogs. OH SHIT says I.
Well when The Hunter gets home TLC tells him the crazy lady threw a rock at the dogs and so I explain. MY SHITTY HUSBAND blames me! Can you freakin believe that? It's apparently my fault the dogs bark. Instead of freaking out on him for being such a douche bag I just went and rode my horse. When I got back. I explain a little more of what happened. He's still grumpy so I went up to my cousins house. While I am up there he calls and says that I should stay for a while because the cops are on their way over and that the crazy neighbor is out in front of our house making an ass of herself. (This is basically his way of saying he's sorry and I am not the one at fault here) Well I guess he had called over to talk to her. When she didn't pick up he went over. No answer even though her truck was there. When he gets back to the house there is a message from her on the phone crying to me how sorry she is blah blah blah. Well then he hears screaming out side. It's her screaming at him about his message on her machine. So he calls the cops. The cop comes over and basically tells her not to be crazy and not to come on our property that she is lucky she doesn't live in town because the dogs in his neighborhood bark all damn day and there is like 15 of em. Legally there is nothing she can do.
Now I am just a little nervous about leaving my dogs home alone.
Other then that it was a nice day.
Crazy neighbor~
and it is 'heeler' sweetie- :)
That's how I had it the first time. Jeesh.
Holy crap!!!! She needs to lay off the booze and get a life!!!
Wow...I'd be worried too, about leaving them alone! And my children, and even myself! Booze can bring out the crazies. Be careful!
...thanking the Lord I don't have her as a neighbor!! What a royal pain in the a#%!! Maybe you can install a trail time camera or two... I have to say you handled her better than I would have!
Gracious! What a sad lady.....hope she doesn't do anything stupid to your dogs! Can you keep them inside if you have to leave? That way she couldn't get to them? And I did have to laugh at your "phrasing" in some areas of your post..........LOL!
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