Surprise!! I am back. I went a little AWOL for a while but thought I'd check in a see how everybody was doing. (As if you couldn't possibly live another day without knowing where and what I am doing).
Well since we last saw each other I have started up a little business for myself selling Premier Jewelry. I am sure many of you have heard of it. I really like it. It gets me out of the house and I get to earn a little cash. Bob was lame but then he wasn't (I know, shocking) He now just HAS to have his glucosamine cookie every day and I also put him in pads. That really helped. I took him to a show in Aug and he didn't even stock up. That was a first. TLC is getting big, big, big. He's actually wanting to ride the horse. He's funny though because he doesn't want to ride with me he wants to do it himself. The Hunter is out of town on a..., you guessed it, hunting trip. He called me last night to tell me he shot and enormous buck (32inch 4x5 for all you who speak the lingo) He said it was a dream buck and it just about killed him packing the bloody thing out. This is really something because the Hunter is in uber marathon shape. TLC and I will drive north later in the week to see him and camp for a couple days. Any way that's about it. xxoo till next time.
Popped in to my own dusty blog and son of a gun, there you were. I miss ya, kiddo. I'm glad things are still cookin' along and I DON'T speak the lingo so can you translate for us civilians? TLC is getting so big and what a cutie, but I don't have to tell you that I'm sure. Anyway, just missin' ya and nearly as pleased to see you as I am a Starbucks when I need a fix.
Little one is growing strong , meat in the freezer and a bit of spending money for you ! Life sounds good
welcome back missed hearing about the little guy, they do grow so fast it seems.
Well finally! I felt all alone out here in the blogoshphere.
Can't wait to see that mount!
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