Sunday, June 27, 2010


OH MY GOODNESS! Had I known that everybody in CA was going to be going to this tiny little lake up in the middle of bum F no where. I think I may have just said screw it. After a two hour drive (TLC did awesome) The Hunter and I pull into this camping area. (He is already irritated because we are camping somewhere that isn't 100 miles from everything. Yeah he's that guy) The place is packed. I mean P.A.C.K.E.D! He of course wanted to just keep driving but all our friends were there. (He pouted in the trailer for about an hour)I said Se La Vie and commenced to puttin on my sun tan oil and took TLC down to play with all his little friends. The first night was really rough. TLC didn't sleep at all. I think Hunter and I only got about an hours sleep altogether. The next day my very good friend and her husband took TLC and I out on a boat for nap time. They have two kids right about his age and the boat works like magic every time. Then MVGF (my very good friend) and I got to sunbath on the boat while the kiddos napped. My darling Mother and The Best Sister in the world got there that afternoon with their crazy little dog. Lucky us there was a huge family reunion going on and they had a guess what??? That's right a live band, that played until 10:30 at night. That was fun for little kids that are trying to go to sleep. TLC slept much better the second night. Best sister ever said she wanted to go home the next day. So did the Hunter. So I said OK. We hung around till about 4:30 then packed up and came home. I got a killer tan happened and TLC had a good time. The Hunter didn't shoot anyone so altogether I'd say it was a success. I am however glad to be home.
This is what The Hunter looks like when he's trying not to kill people.

My pal and her two boys on their boat

If you look up in the Left corner you can see feet, that would be my sister getting tossed of the innertube.


Denisarita said...

I should have left the key to our house for you! Would have been much more quiet.

Vaquerogirl said...

I don't know what that second person said, but I think I may agree!

And Denisarita- don't think for a minute that I didn't seriously think about a' goin to your beautiful quiet pool and patio!

The Wife said...

LOL, Hunter didn't kill anyone so it was a good trip! I hate when the campgrounds are packed. We haven't went camping in YEARS. I miss it.

Building Life in AK said...

It still looks like fun. It does look entirely different from the camping we do up here. The only neighbors we have are the man-sized mosquitoes, angry moose, and hungry bears.
About the garden-I would love for you to see my garden, right after you come up here and put it in for me :P

Robynn's Ravings said...

You handled it well. I'da probably been poutin' with The Hunter. I'm the 100 miles away from people GAL! I'm gettin' old and crochety. But glad you got a tan and made the best of it!

The FamDamily

The FamDamily

My hunter

My hunter
Monster mule deer 2011

The Men On the Mountain

The Men On the Mountain

1st time at the beach

1st time at the beach

Harvest festival 2011

Harvest festival 2011

TLC and The Hunter

TLC and The Hunter
my boyz

TLC In Columbia CA

TLC In Columbia CA